Finally, landing. Between the New Moon and Summer Solstice

Here I am, its a Monday. After the weekend New Moon and days before the Summer Solstice. I feel like I have genuinely landed, arrived. 

From the Summer Solstice of last year, to this year, marks a full year of my life. 

A year that came with so much fullness, sorrow, depth, and life. 

I finally feel like I can, as I heard in my yoga class last week, “take a load off.” 

The newness of the year comes in the form of the calendar New Year in January. 

It comes in the form of Springtime, everything blossoming and opening up. 

But, for me this year, it feels like a new year is coming in the form of summer. After the New Moon. Right before the Summer Solstice. The energy feels fresh, and calm, and right. 

Just in the past year (from summer to summer) I…. 

  • Had insane life changing personal and relationship growth

  • Traveled to Austin x2, Sedona & Tucson AZ, Costa Rica, St. Augustine, and Asheville 

  • Launched a podcast 

  • Lost a dear friend suddenly to Cancer 

  • Started AND completed Level 1 Menstrual School 

  • Taught a consistent Friday 5:30 Yoga Class at my Shine 

I have been doing, a lot. 

I have been growing, and struggling, and learning, and pulled in every single direction….. A lot. 

I have had plans for this and plans for that, and working towards this and trying to that, and showing up for everything. 

And now, It’s time for me to be.

I have landed. 

It’s time to enjoy my life. Fully and Intentionally.

It’s time for me to get out of my head, relax the spinning thoughts, and get back to what I love. 

I love my family.

I love my relationship. 

I love talking to my friends.

I love going to the yoga studio as the student.

I love taking a long time to wash my face at night.

I love going to arlington to get facials and purcellville for massages and listening to a podcast on the way there.

I love being out in nature and making that a priority.

I love actually having the time to cook dinner and enjoy it and to take my supplements 

I love feeling like I love my life. 

Not feeling irritated, or annoyed, or frustrated, or stuck.

Like there’s nowhere to be, there’s nothing to do, nothing is lost. 

I haven’t been able to take a load off in what feels like a long time.

I haven’t been able to be me… for awhile.

But I know who she is, and I know how it feels to be her, and I wish to embody her. Right here, right now. 

Joy. Slow. Love. Gratitude.  Those words seem attainable now. 

Happy Early Summer Solstice <3 

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