Lauren Barton Beauty & Wellness
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As Women, we are cyclical beings

We are not like little men — we have a 28-35 day cycle that we move through throughout our lives. There has been a lack of education around women's bodies and menstrual cycles which has left many vulnerable to things like painful periods, irregular cycles, and reproductive issues that go untreated due to lack of understanding. Greater knowledge can empower better care. Not being in tune with natural bodily rhythms and signals can lead to feeling disconnected or out of touch.


For centuries we have had a negative attitude towards periods

Cultural stigmas and taboos leave many viewing their period as something to dread, hate or be ashamed of rather than accept as a natural part of life. Learning how to track your cycle with 1:1 coaching support creates more self trust and freedom by becoming more in tune with your body. The methods and aspects that you will learn in this coaching are valuable for all of the stages throughout your life.


My goal is to help foster a deeper connection and more self-awareness by teaching tracking methods, about hormones, cycle signs and noticing patterns to build more self-knowledge and connection to cycles.

What you can expect through our time together:

● Learn new practices like mindfulness, self-care, communication strategies matched to hormonal stage

● Goal-Setting and Planning for Cyclical Fluctuations

● Support setting goals, calendars etc. adjusted for energy fluctuations through the month

● Reframing Language and Perspectives Around Menstruation

● Helping you embrace your cycle through positive reframing and myth-debunking education

● Guidance on diet, exercise, sleep, stress management tailored to a woman's unique cycle

● Teaching how to track menstrual cycle, learn how to pinpoint ovulation

● Learn to track your cervical mucus in order to avoid or achieve conception and create more awareness of where you are in your menstrual cycle

All of our sessions together are tailored to your specific goals and needs.


Know Ya Flow coaching is committed to autonomy, consent, integrity, compassion and connection.

What this means is...

● Sharing information and experiences with complete honesty and transparency. My goal is for everything provided to be the unvarnished truth. Ensuring all who participate fully agree to the content and give permission for their journey. Meeting people casually where they are without judgment.

● Leading with empathy, care and acceptance for wherever one finds themselves. My aim is to make space for every woman just as she shows up.

● Cultivating a community of empowered sisters through open sharing of souls, stories and deepest truths in a supportive circle.

● Guiding women into their fullness by offering menstrual wisdom and tools rather than restrictions. My hope is for all to feel agency over their bodies and lives.

I donate a portion of my earnings in this coaching business to non profit groups that keep reproductive rights of women accessible.
