It might be time to spice things up…

So imagine this, it’s Spring 2022. 

IMO, the start of a new year. 

2020 had us feeling WEIRD. Our whole worlds put on pause. 

Loungewear was at an all time high. 

People were relocating, buying new homes. 

Hair trends becoming more natural than EVER, due to the fact that you could not get in to get it done. 

Travel?? Who was doing that?? 

Business’ just surviving. Doing WHATEVER they could to hang on and stay thriving.

Fast forward to 2022….

I don’t know about you, but I seem to hate everything in my closet. 

My new home needs new decor.

I’m finally starting to plan more detailed, adventurous travel.

I finally feel that I can get more creative with my business, plan and implement more than just things to keep it a float. 

And hair?! UGH!! It seems like it’s finally time to cut some off, change it up!! Look like a real person again!! 

I am in no way being a naive optimist here. I’m not saying the pandemic is over, by any means. But, what I am saying is that it’s starting to seem like we are starting to be able to have some choice again. 

Control over some circumstances. 

Input over our lives. 

The extra things we love in live that we are privileged enough to get to experience…. We’re starting to be able to get a say again. 

With that being said, from a hairstylist’s perspective, it seems for some of us, our hair has been on the back burner for a lil bit. (understandably so) with color and styles like… letting out roots growing out., natural, all over color being a vibe, trims galore! and enjoying natural texture and air drying. 

We ditched, silver toned and white blondes, high maintenance bangs and all over blonding, grey root touch ups every 5 weeks (well some of us * wink *)

We kept it LOW LOW Maintenance, which, absolutely. We love to see it. 

Some of these things are here to stay! , BUT for some of us, It seems to be time for some changes….

If you’re thinking about changing your hair this spring summer, here are a couple of things to consider before your trip to the salon… 

  • Think of the past, present and future of your hair. ALWAYS. Not just one appointment.

    What I mean by this is… You bring in a photo. YOU LOVE that photo. Obsessed. THAT is what you have always wanted your hair to look like!!!

    Ok, we love that. But let’s think of a couple of things as well… What do you want your hair to look like in winter 2022? Do you like your hair long? Does this look in the photo require hours of lightening, blending, toners, trims etc? Are you down with that? How often would you like to come in? Is this a high maintenance look? How much money, IN A YEAR, would you like to spend on your hair? Have you had darker color on your hair already? Will this effect how long it takes to get you to this photo, do you care enough to go through that process? Have you been blonde forever? How long do you want to be darker for? A month, two months, a year? Do you REALLY want a change, or are you sad and bored? What’s the water at your house like, hard? Will you buy a filter? Will you buy quality product AND use them? How much are you committed to having healthy, beautiful hair, for LIFE? What’s important to you?

    All answers are totally valid! Maybe you are OBSESSED with this photo and vibe and will do whatever it takes to get. there. Maybe you like the pic, but could do something different. All answers are valid, but being honest with yourself is key. What we do with color now matters later.

  • Try to have realistic expectations.

    We live in an instant gratification culture. See something you love online? Buy it. It’s yours. Tomorrow. Unfortunately, coloring hair sometimes can not offer that sort of instant gratification. Good things take time. Ask your stylist all the questions to make sure you’re setting yourself up with an understanding of what the goals are and how you’re. going to get there! hat Take a deep breath and know that the goal is absolutely gorgeous healthy hair. Always. No matter what, you will never leave the salon with ugly hair. Period. Maybe it isn’t the shade you dreamed it would be. Maybe you had to take an extra inch. Or maybe your hair just isn’t healthy enough yet. We’re making choices to protect the goodness and beauty of your hair at all times. I can promise ya that!!

  • Enjoy it.

    Getting your hair done, is fun!!! It should not be stressful. Someone hand crafts a color and style specifically for you, based off of your wants, desires and lifestyle. THEN you get your hair WASHED, which like wow feels so good. Plus, you get rid of dead ends (good bye to the past) a blowout that looks so flowy and gorg, and the best part, you leave feeling like a hottie all day long!! Chat with your stylist, enjoy quiet and relaxation, drink your coffee, scroll your phone, read a book, enjoy silence, WHATEVER! 2-3 Hours to relax. That’s yours.

  • Trust.

    I’ve trained and done hair for years. . In fact, I have a bit of an intuitive way of doing hair. I feel your energy, listening and understanding what best. Even when I’m mixing toners, it kind of just comes to me, what to mix together for it to be perfect, based off of feeling and years of experience. I will always tell the truth. I will always go with my gut on what needs to happen, with you in mind and what I know to be true. It’s all I can do. I will always do the very best I can. And I acknowledge that it’s a huge ask. Asking you, whether you’re a new client or old, to trust me. If we don’t have that, it can be really difficult for us both. I promise I will do my best always, and if you ever feel you haven’t been heard, or there’s been an issue, I’m here to make it right.

If you have some new goals  for your hair for 2022, or the future, big and small, I got you. If change is in the air, then hell yeah! Let’s absolutely work towards revamping.

Hair can enhance our self confidence. The color and style can compliment us so much. Getting our hair done is such a privilege. It can make us feel so much better. I’m grateful to be able to provide quality service with quality color. We in it for the long haul bb, you deserve really great hair, like, always. 

Book an consultation <3
