Why online booking is amazing!

Have you ever been up late one night and all the sudden it hits you… you need to book a hair cut… like right now! But it’s midnight, and nothings open, and you’re probably going to forget tomorrow, so you just let the feeling pass and hope next time it comes at a better moment.

There’s all kinds of situations like that, like wanting to book an appointment but not wanting to talk to people. Or typing and sending that email. Or how cool would it be to just get that instant gratification of BOOK NOW and it’s done without all the back and forth. That is possible! You can instantly book appointments, anytime, any place, anywhere.

As a customer, I love that feeling of quickly getting it done. As a hair stylist who wants to be as efficient as possible, I love being able to give my clients the option of booking online so that I can serve them better. When you book online, you’re able to see what I have available in my schedule that matches with your schedule so you can quickly see what’s available and book immediately! I’m really excited about this because having this streamline approach it opens up my schedule to give you more appointments. It allows you opportunity to book from wherever, whenever, without thinking, oh man… is this a good time? No waiting for me to respond, no extra steps. It’s the quickest way… and who doesn’t love to save time?

Just go to my website https://www.hairbylaurenbarton.com/ and click book now! That button redirects you to my online booking service. You can choose from seven possible services, (full description here https://www.hairbylaurenbarton.com/services) I then get a notification where I confirm and BOOM, you have an appointment made.

Watch the video below to see just how easy it is to book now! I take you step by step showing you how to book online. Less than 5 minutes, and you have a spot reserved.

So what are you waiting for?! Go ahead and book now https://www.hairbylaurenbarton.com/appointments

See you soon!
